A template for supplementary material in IEEEtran format

A template for supplementary material of the manuscripts in IEEE format (IEEEtran.cls) is not wrapped up for the IEEEtran. For my latest manuscript (which is still under review), I needed to put some graphs in the supplementary, so I could gather these hacks from the web. I gathered  all these HACKS couple of months ago, from different blogs, and sites for supplementary files of other journals. I could not find those blogs, so sorry for not providing reference.

I liked to change the section, figure, table, equation, citation numbering to include an additional S.  The following should be inserted into preamble.

% Hack For section headers starting with S 

To change the format of citations in the bibliography and the main text, a combination of natbib and IEEEtranN is needed

% Hack for citation command 
% use bibnumfmt to change style at the end of the document
% citenumfont command adds S to all numbers

Numbering of the figures and table are done with

% Hack for making figures Say \figurename S\thefigure, e.g. Figure S1: 
\makeatletter \renewcommand{\fnum@figure} {\figurename~S\thefigure} 


% Hack for making tables Say \tablename S\thetable, e.g. Figure S1:
 \makeatletter \renewcommand{\fnum@table}


And for the equations, we need the following

% Hack for making SOM Equations Conform to Science Format
% e.g. (S1), (S2), etc

A drawback of this method is that \eqref is not working, but \ref command still works pretty good. 🙂

I also find it handy to cross-reference labels between main and supplementary document. In the supplementary, we need to reference to the aux file of the main file, like:

% where Main.tex is the main file of the manuscript.

A sample output is shown below:

Author: Electromagnetician

I am an electromagnetician which means that I am keen to electromagnetic (EM) theory and related applications. My specialty is designing antennas and other electromagnetic devices. Artificial materials like metamaterials, electromagnetic band gaps (EBG), photonic crystals are interesting to me. My greatest hobby is mathematics. I would love to read about math whenever possible. In electromagnetician's blog, I mostly write about antennas and electromagnetics. I also try to cover other hobbies of mine like LaTeX tricks and coding challenges.

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